Nor Aiman bin Nor Azham

He got his inspiration for his IGN by a Finnish team of which their players had at the end of their IGN’s extra long last letters like “encEEEEE / deaFFFFFF”. He was introduced to Counter strike by his older brother Aidil during his younger days where he honed his skills under the tutelage of his brother.
By the time 2010 came around, he started to realise that the apprentice had now outgrown the master and was pretty good at CSGO. He then competed from 2008 until 2020 (in titles such as CS 1.6, CSGO, Valorant) under different banners such as Orange Esports, MVP Karnal, JYP Gaming, Fire Dragoon and Frostfire as a player. He also has had significant coaching experience with Todak (helping them become the First Strike Valorant winners), and EVOS for PUBGM before then shortly retiring and then coming out of retirement with NEXGA.

Thong Tao Jian

TJ started off playing CSGO with Goodfellas Gaming before moving on to Valorant with Team LZ, in the process tearing up the Brunei FPS scene. He came up with his IGN whilst playing with friends when they were all picking names from the Powerpuff girls tv show. He decided to pick the evil villain nickname MOJOJOJO and stuck with it until now.
He first started out playing League of Legends in high school, before a friend introduced him to CSGO. He then started pouring hours into CSGO to finally be able to compete at a competitive level.
Just as he was about to breach the Tier 1 CSGO scene, Valorant was released and upon realising that sponsors were gravitating towards Valorant, decided along with his old team to take the plunge and make the switch early in order to have a shot at being a Professional Player.

Moses Christophe Jonathan


Originally, his old IGN was Splash but decided to use his friend’s account because his friend had way more gun skins (and by then had stopped playing the game).
His older brother introduced him to CSGO when he was 7 years young and ever since that fateful day, he took any chance he had to play the game on his brother’s laptop. Eventually he was gifted a desktop as his birthday present and kept at grinding the game.
Sometime around 2017, his friends asked him to download Fortnite and he tried to pursue the game professionally. Let’s say we got lucky it didn’t go as planned, as not long after Valorant was released and Moses and his friends went ahead and tried out this new game. As it was during the pandemic it was no surprise he eventually fell in love with Valorant as they had nothing else to do but be glued to the game.
Moses represented a couple of semi-pro teams through the introduction via his brother before eventually joining his current teammates.

Muhammad Aqil bin Muhammad Azfar


Aqil attained the inspiration for his IGN name aplycs from a friend of his who helped pick out a name for his PSN account.
His father bought a PS3 for the family to play and bought a game called Black Ops 2 and he instantly fell in love with the game. He would always wait for Fridays to play the game because that was the only time he was allowed to play the game.
Fast forward a couple years later, and the family got a PS4 upgrade. It was then that he started getting hooked on to Fortnite. Some of his friends said he was very good at the game and he started to take the game more seriously. He got his first earnings from Winter Royale sometime in 2019 and used that money to purchase a desktop. Shortly after the release of Valorant he picked it up and has been grinding it ever since.
Aqil is currently on hiatus until the end of 2023 and will be back raring to go in 2024 due to his SPM commitments.

Muhammad Arsyad Bin Md Sazali

Arsyad started playing games since he was 13 years old and would frequent the cyber cafes near home to play the game Gunbound. He then decided to take on the alias of Aduka from a character in that game.
He played Blackshot almost everyday for 2 years before moving across to CSGO. He was then given the opportunity to go pro with teams such as Ninjustice and Mistaken Gaming and hence chose the option of not competing his SPM to pursue a career in esports full time. He was by then apart of LZ when the whole team decided to move across from CSGO to try their hand at the newest FPS game in the market, Valorant.
Aduka went on to represent some notable teams throughout Malaysia and India such as Todak, OrangUtan and Aster Army along the way winning titles such as AOC Masters, First Strike MY/SG and Onslaught Valorant League. Along the way he has also represented Malaysia at the SEA Esports Championship 2023. He has now found himself a new home and will be looking to win a title back on home soil.

Ahmad Aqil Bin Ariff

Kayle was a monicker derived from a shortened version of his name Aqil – Qil – kayle. He started playing games since he was 9 years old and started off with Team Fortress 2. He accumulated over 10,000 hours and spent 4 years of his life grinding the game.
It was shortly after that he decided to move across to CSGO and whilst playing the game, met a lot of interesting people of which till today he can still consider his close friends. His first shot at being a professional player in CSGO came just before COVID hit with a trial for the Chinese team JieJieHao. Due to COVID however, they disbanded the team and he then slowly transitioned and found passion in a new FPS title, Valorant.
This transition also coincided with his SPM and he then went on to represent Todak before finding his home with NEXGA